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*lect=choose, gather表示”收集;選擇” lect=>lig

1. religion (n)宗教 ( re一再+lig收集 ---把信徒放在一起=宗教)

Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India.

2. collect (v)收集 ( col一起+lect 收集---收到一起)
Why do you collect stamps?(你為何要蒐集郵票)


collective(adj) 集體的(tive形容詞字尾---集中在一起的=集體的)

3. elect (v) 選出;選舉(記憶:e出+lect選---選出來)
They elected Tom as their representative.(他們選Tom作為他們的代表)

election (n)選舉

4. intellect(n) 智慧;智者(intel中間+lect選----從中選出的人=智者)

His opinion is that the intellect of modern man isn\'t superior.


intellectual (n)知識份子(adj)聰明的

Chess is a highly intellectual game. (象棋是一個需要高度智力的遊戲)

intelligence (n)智力;聰明
He\'s obviously a man of very high intelligence.(很明顯地他是一個非常聰明的人)

5. neglect (v)忽略 (neg沒有+lect選---沒有選---疏忽)
He was so busy that he neglected his health.(他太忙已至於他忽略了他的健康)

6. recollect (v)回想 (re再一次+collect收集---再一次收集(記憶、精力)=回想)
I was unable to recollect the names.(我沒辦法回想那些名子)

recollection (n)回憶

7. select (v)選擇 (se分離+lect選----選出來=選擇)
Mr. Reed has been selected to represent us on the committee.


selection (n)選擇;精選

8. eligible (adj)合格的( e出+lig選+ible --可被選出來的=合格的)
He is eligible for retirement.(他符合退休資格)

9. elite(n)精英人物(e+lit(lig)選---選出來的人=精英)

10. elegant(adj)優雅的( e出+leg(lig)+ant---選出的=好的、優雅的)

Her writing was elegant.(他的寫作很優雅)

elegance(n) 優雅、漂亮

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